vmware上のWindows2012R2 + Oracle12c( で稼働しています。vmware上の別のWindows2012R2 + Webサーバーから、3分毎にバッチ処理としてOracleに接続しています。この際に、30~9

What could be another reason if all data (host-login-pass) work fine on other native gui clients? I was trying to use Sqlyog 7.11 on Fedora 15 64-bit via wine. Added at: 2011-10-27 10:16 Unknown host specified exception when trying to add data adapter. Posted on December 12, 2019 at 8:42am 0. Hi Team, I am facing issue while adding data adapter in Here is a Simple demonstration of Debugging Jdbc N/W Connectivity issues. Some very basic and common tools and simple Jdbc programs helps us a lot in debugging the JDBC issues. Apr 07, 2010 · Esto es un bug de oracle 10g, la solucion es sencilla pero no tan intuitiva ya que pasa con aquellos usuarios que tienen windows con el idioma en Español (o algun otro idioma diferente al ingles), esto se soluciona simplemente entrando al "panel de control" de windos y luego seleccionar el icono "configuracion regional y de idiomas" y en la pestaña "opciones regionales" cambiar el idioma por Enable SSH on the VMWare Host that is hosting the "bad" machine(s): Initiate a putty session to the VMWare host on which the "bad" machine lies. Navigate to the storage location for the VDMK for the bad machine. Pull up the "bad" machine (run: cd examplevm) and take a backup of the .vmx file by using the following command:

Exception in thread main java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Unknown host specified. I'm geting the following error message when trying to connect to Oracle database.

Re: Unknown Host Specified OrionNet Feb 8, 2009 10:52 PM ( in response to 683900 ) Hello, I think you need to get database software installed either on your local machine or access where database is already installed and configured. JaySenSharma July 27th, 2010 on 3:31 pm. Hi Shivam, I tried to reproduce this issue on many versions of WebLogic WLS10.3, WLS10.3.1, WLS10 MP1, WLS9.2 MP2 (all Windows Platform), But i could not reproduce the issue wich u are facing. Aug 21, 2017 · When you’re trying to connect to a service on Linux, “No route to host” is one of the last things that you want to hear. It’s a broad message that means that your computer can’t reach the target server. Because of the broad nature of the message there are several possibilities that could be causing it. Related: How to Rename Files in

Exception in thread main java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Unknown host specified. I'm geting the following error message when trying to connect to Oracle database.

Question: I was trying to connect to Oracle through SQL developer, and I see this error. io exception: the network adaptor could not establish the connection Vendor ping: unknown host google.com This means that resolving of the domain names to IP via DNS (Domain Name System) is not working. To fix this, simply type the following command: